Change Your Perspective


*Change Your Perspective*

_Key Bible Text:_
*And God sent me before you to preserve you a posterity in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance.*
(Genesis 45:7 (KJV)) 

_Bible Insight:_

Instead of having soldiers in harm's way, targets for Hamas terrorists, the Jaguar will soon be on patrol along Israel's border with Gaza. The Jaguar is the Israel Defense Forces new semi-autonomous, robotic, ground vehicle. The Jaguar has dozens of sensors, a six-wheeled chassis, an electric motor, and a machine gun. This newest addition to the IDF Gaza division was developed over the last year and a half in a cooperative effort between Israel AerospaceIndustries and the IDF's Ground Forces Command.

The robot has high-resolution cameras, sensors, transmitters, and a remote-controlled PA system. The Jaguar operates under human control; however, it can also map out its own route, drive itself to the destination, and avoid any obstacles in its path. Should it fall into enemy hands, the Jaguar can transmit its precise location to a drone that can then destroy it.

"We have led a groundbreaking technological development—an independent robot that reduces the combat soldier's friction with the enemy and prevents risks to human life," Lieutenant Colonel Nathan Kuperstein, the head of Autonomy and Robotics at the IDF's Land Technology Division. "It even knows how to recharge itself—almost like an iRobot."

Ron Castor, a gospel Jewish teacher in Isreal, in a rarely insightful and lovely perspective submitted: *"Hamas is accidentally helping Israel! Hamas has unwittingly helped Israel make peace with many Arab nations. Their terrorism, from rockets to suicide bombers, has forced us to be creative in combating them. That has led to great technology, like the Iron Dome, the Jaguar, and our new laser anti-missile system, that other countries are eager to get."* 

Many times in life, we interpret situations wrongly and poorly. Joseph did not see his being sold to Egypt merely as a thing or decision of the wickedness of his siblings. Rather he realized that while he siblings may have intended evil, or acted selfishly, God had better plans and purposes. 

*So now it was not you that sent me hither, but God: and he hath made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt.* (Genesis 45:8 (KJV)) 

*#Hello_July* 🤗 ❤ 


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