_Key Bible Text:_
*In him was life; and the life was the light of men.* (John 1:4 (KJV))

_Bible Insight:_

Everyone desire to live life to the fullness. They enjoy it and love to have more of it (life). 

Some people look for life from the wrong source and so many ways just for them to live long. They made a lot of sacrifice just to stay forever. They consult a lot of experts and even sources of power just to get life that last long here on earth. 

I want to assure you that these options do not guarantee life. Such options are not worthy to consulted for eternal life which gives joy and peace.

Only one Supreme, Almighty that cannot be compared with can give life everlasting, coupled with joy, peace, goodness, mercy, favour and so many great benefits that will last forever. 

According to our Bible text is only in Jesus that you can get life and the Life is not just an ordinary life but one that gives light to men. It is in a life like this that the light of men resides. Do you want to enjoy life indeed, why don't you come to Jesus today? 

Give everything back to Him. Lay it down at His feet and let Him give you everlasting life without sorrow. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 


Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. It is only through the way that you will find the truth and through the truth is Life that the life giver (GOD) gives.

There is no other way, there is no greater truth, there is no higher life than the one Jesus gives. Hold unto Him and you will not regret it. 

*#Hello_August* ❤ 

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