_Key Bible Text:_
*For the desires of the flesh are opposed to the [Holy] Spirit, and the [desires of the] Spirit are opposed to the flesh (godless human nature); for these are antagonistic to each other [continually withstanding and in conflict with each other], so that you are not free but are prevented from doing what you desire to do.* (Galatians 5:17 (AMP))

_Bible Insight:_

The toughest battles I have ever fought were battles between what I knew and what I felt. 

I see divine truth as stated in God's word, but sometimes my feelings say something else.

I see God's word says that if I believe in Jesus who died for my sin and was raised for my justification, then I have salvation by faith, without works. But I don't always feel saved. I have to learn to ignore my feelings and focus on Jesus.

I see God's high standard of walking in holiness and consecration, yet I find that sometimes I have to fight my feeling so it can conform to God's standard.

I see God's word tells me of my permanent victory in Christ, of my greatness in Him, but I have to force my feelings to agree in the face of staggering oppositions.

I see God's word tells me the gifts of the Spirit are mine, that the sick will be healed through my hands, but I have to bring my mind into subjection to it and insist until it complies to the truth of God's word.

I think this is a fight I must keep fighting and keep winning as I walk on in my Christian faith.

When the feeling of sickness attacks me, the feeling of sorrow, the feeling of pain, the sense of loss or lack, and all the challenges of this life, I have to insist on God's word, inspite of how I feel.

God's word alone is truth. Anything contrary is a lie.

I have come to realize that my circumstances and feelings will not always automatically agree with or reflect what God's word says, so I fight to ensure it aligns to God's word.

I believe this is an honourable fight for the sons of God on earth. I think we will keep engaging in this fight until we put off this body of flesh. I believe this will be the basis of our eternal reward on that day.

So dear believer, fight!
*Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.* 1 Timothy 6:12

*#Hello_October* ❤ 

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