_Key Bible Text:_
*Then said he unto them, Therefore every scribe which is instructed unto the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old.* (Matthew 13:52 (KJV))

_Bible Insight:_

*The Old & New Testament Have Treasures for the New Creation Man*

A lot of times we believers ruled out certain things in the name of it is under the Old Testament. Some go as far as wrongly including thet idea that tithe is for Old Testament. Granted that certain things do not apply under the New Testament, for example, you don't need any intermediary priest to ask for God's forgiveness. However, there are certain teachings that align both in the New and Old Testament and these must be richly discerned and taught. 

Striving to get a balance in the body of Christ can only be achieved when doctrines and teachings align. A lot of division and confusion breeds in the body of Christ because many believers fail to take time to study the word, rather than accept man made commandments and traditions passed down as true doctrines. To keep balance in the body of Christ, we must keep balance in the doctrines of Christ as understood and taught by believers

We are going to consider two major ideas/teachings that are very relevant to the believer even in this Holy Spirit Era. The first is the teaching about the wrath of God vs the love of God. The second is related, but different, that is, the love of God vs the fear of God. 

God willing, we shall receive more light as we look at these two together. While we are at it, would you agree that the Love of God is the only factor that leads men to salvation? Or do you think apart from the love of God, an understanding of the wrath of God is key if an individual would be receptive to the Gospel? 

You could share your thoughts with a friend or share your thought with us as a comment. 

Remain blessed. 
*All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.* (2 Timothy 3:16-17 (KJV)) 

*#Hello_October* ❤ 

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