Age Long Wisdom (III)


*Age Long Wisdom (III)*

_Key Bible Text:_
*"And Jesus went on to say, And so I tell you: make friends for yourselves with worldly wealth, so that when it gives out, you will be welcomed in the eternal home."* (Luke 16:9)

_Bible Insight:_
In soul winning, we need money! Cool money! The world needs the power of God but it takes engaging money to bring the Gospel close enough, so that the world can hear and see the power of God. 

We need money and materials things to push the Gospel. In our key text, we see the need to use worldly wealth to make friends who will be brought closer to the opportunity to hear the Gospel and be saved. Use worldly wealth. You don't need to wait until you have enough of it. You will never have enough. However, you can decide to use the worldly wealth you have for soul winning.

In the story of the good Samaritan, we see a Samaritan using his time, energy and resources to revive the man who was robbed and wounded by highway men. Today, the devil has robbed and wounded a lot of people spiritually. It takes soul winning consciousness and a willingness to use our time, energy and resources in order to bring them back to their saviour. 

*Every time a child is born, a bit of heaven is seen on earth; And every time a person is born again, a bit of earth is registered in Heaven.* -- EbeleUzo Peters 

*#Prevailing_Faith_Month* 🥰
*#Called_To_Be_Kings_&_Priests!* ❤ 


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