The School of The Spirit*


*The School of The Spirit*

_Key Bible Text:_
*Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully.*
(2 Timothy 2:3, 5(KJV))

_Bible Insight:_

The other day, a young friend of mine from a Nursing School was explaining something that was impressed upon him. He had just finished his exams, after putting in relentless hours upon hours of reading and studying. He spoke of how he would keep reading even when tired and the series of sleepless nights he endured. By the time he was through, this thought dawned on his mind: If believers can put this much energy and discipline in the things of the Spirit, how wonderful it would be and how fruitful believers would be? 

As he shared this thought with me, I couldn't help but agree and explain to him, how truly many believers never apply themselves in the things of God as seriously as we do either our academics and/or our businesses. The way and manner a lot of people can become very regimented and meticulous about the affairs of their business or academics just because they are striving for masteries thereat is really commendable. But can we bring the same energy to the school (things) of the Spirit? 

Apostle Joshua Selman was credited to have said as follows: *""I'm busy, I'm busy" is a trap from the devil, if police arrests you now, you won't be busy to attend to them. Don't be too busy to attend to the school of the Spirit."*

Until and unless we prioritize the affairs of the Spirit, we will never attain mastery of the ways of God which will even impact every aspect of our lives nor would we be able to please our master as we ought to. 

*No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.* (2 Timothy 2:4 (KJV)) 

*#Hello_July* 🤗 ❤ 


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